Blue Sky home page

Welcome to Blue Sky Testing LLC, originally Blue Sky Testing Labs, business names for Richard Knights and my services.  For checking for environmental indoor air quality problems like mold and weird odors, building owners around Salem and Seattle have relied on Blue Sky for targeted, unbiased inspections, with accurate testing, sound diagnosis, and practical advice.  For this site,  I’ve gathered a wealth of information to help you understand what’s in your air, how much, and how to avoid problems.

Who wonders? — owners, buyers, sellers, renters, real estate agents, structural inspectors, landlords, managers, and my Aunt Doris.  Thank you all for your calls and referrals.

Where at? — onsite in buildings: homes, offices, schools, commercial properties. (Now also in Salem, Oregon, in addition to Seattle.)

Why here ? —  problems or oddities found, often during home sales, with pollutants like mold or odd odors; also health issues (we diagnose buildings, not people).

What from? — environmental indoor air quality investigations for pollutants and solutions.

(I do not do structural, asbestos, pest, lead paint, drug lab, or Phase One surveys, or industrial hygiene, or hazardous waste.)

©2004-2023 Richard Knights, Blue Sky Testing LLC
Salem, OR,
